Unlock your Inner Potential with 


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The Gene Keys are a synthesis of transformational wisdom that invite you on a journey of self discovery to a deeper understanding of yourself and your higher purpose in life. 


Imagine a bespoke book designed to align you with your natural gifts & higher purpose

Discover your unique path to unlock this inner potential as an adventure enriched with wisdom, insight and grace 

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Learn more about your own Gene Keys Quest HERE

featuring the personalised 172 page A4 Visionary Quest Book


The Gene Keys are a living wisdom that play out in your everyday life like a mystery school while supporting the evolution of consciousness during this time in our world history.

Benefits of Exploring Your 

Hologenetic Profile



  • Receive insight and recognition for your innate gifts

  • Experience how to transform hidden challenges into their potential gift by expressing the same energy through an open heart 

  • Activate your creative imagination to envision the highest expression of your inner nature
  • Understand your ideal way of being to experience greater harmony and flow with the universe as your purpose 
  • Realise your unique style and path to awakening


  • Embody self acceptance, gentleness as you steadily soften and open your heart

  • Enhance understanding and compassion in all your life relationships

  • Recognise emotional defence mechanisms that close the heart and ways to find balance
  • Become more aware of the source of repeating patterns that may be creating challenges and discomfort in your life

  • Unwind childhood and ancestral patterns


  • Gain clarity about valuable areas to focus on in your life and develop inspired confidence in yourself

  • Transform your core wound into your core talent and vocational quality

  • Open up to synchronicities to meet the right collaborators and find where you may be best suited to share your gifts 

  • Realise your unique way of shining and expressing your truth as you share your self with the world

  • Simplify your life with great lucidity to create the style of prosperity that is right for you
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The Gene Keys are a set of teachings, an evolving living wisdom that has synthesised many streams of wisdom traditions and insights from modern science.

Together with the Gene Keys book, your Gene Keys Profile reveals the qualities of your inherent potential and a specific journey of challenges to transform into their gift expression so you can embody their true essence. 

The profile offers insights about how you best shine, why you are here and much more.

How is the profile created?

The Gene Keys is a system based on 64 patterns of consciousness. This 64 bit matrix is found throughout nature as the 64 DNA Codons, within art, tantra, IT and the 64 hexagram I Ching that describes the energetic flow of life.

By using the principle of correspondences within our holographic reality, the moment and place of your birth indicates a specific imprinting of archetypal information.

This co-ordinate coding determines a type of curriculum of awakening your being incarnated with this lifetime.

We are each made up of an individual combinations of energetic codes. These codes form patterns in which our lifeforce flows through and expresses itself in all its exquisite  ways, out into the world of form.



Gene Keys founder, Richard Rudd, who first received the Gene Keys transmission, shares a brief introduction about how to start your journey into the Gene Keys.


Imagine a bespoke book designed to align you with your natural gifts & higher purpose

Discover your unique path to unlock this inner potential as an adventure enriched with wisdom, insight and grace 

GKQ Book Mock Front high

Learn more about your own Gene Keys Quest HERE

featuring the personalised 172 page A4 Visionary Quest Book



Your hologenetic profile contains 3 main sequences that make up what is known as the Golden Path.

The Activation Sequence – Discovering your Genius

The 4 Gene Keys of your prime gifts are the foundational keys to expressing your unique expression of genius out in the world.

The four spheres of your Prime Gifts are the cornerstones of your life, representing the mythic themes and challenges of your global role in this lifetime. These spheres are the Life’s Work, Evolution, Radiance and Purpose.

The path through your Prime Gifts supports you to fulfil your life’s purpose, while remaining deeply grounded in your physical body. Their gift qualities allow your light to shine out and serve the whole.

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The Venus Sequence – Opening your Heart through Relationships

Forming the heart of the Golden Path, the Venus Sequence is an extraordinary journey into the genetic currents that shaped you in the womb and the karmic forces released at the moment of your conception.

It offers insights into the patterns of trauma and defence mechanisms that present themselves through our lives as opportunities for growth and maintaining a gentle open heart.

The Pearl Sequence - Releasing your Prosperity through Service

The four stages of the Pearl Sequence are called the Vocation, Culture, Brand and Pearl. They describe a process of reorientation and synchronicity that brings you into contact with those people, cultures, places and dimensions that are required in order for you to fulfil your highest destiny.

They guide you in finding the highest possible form of service you can offer to the world through your inherent gifts. The Pearl brings to you the secrets of prosperity through an embodiment of simplicity.

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The 6 Lines of the Gene Keys

The 6 Lines form a powerful underlying pattern within the Gene Keys Golden Path, revealing a specific archetypal lens with which to view the Gene Key in your Hologenetic Profile.

In essence, the six lines tell the story from Personal to Transpersonal. Each line has its own archetypes, its own wounds, its own flavour. Due to their holographic nature, the qualitive energy of the 6 lines stays consistent throughout the entire Golden Path, though its particular keynotes and way of manifesting changes depending on the Sphere it is located within. Below are some key archetypal principles of each of the 6 lines.

Line 1

Inner Essence – Introspection – Investigation – Self-Empowerment

Line 2

Expression – Projection – Ease of Being – Passion & Relationships

 Line 3

Adaptation – Discovery – Trial & Error – Energy & Experience

 Line 4

Friendship – Connection – Magnetic Influence – Love & Community

 Line 5

Practicality – Leadership – Organization – Power & Projection

 Line 6

Visionary – Overseeing – Role Model – Education & Surrender

Example Hologenetic Profile

Grounding your 4 prime gifts of consciousness in your activation sequence will build your core stability and help you conserve energy by aligning more fully with your true nature

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